Friday, January 30, 2009

Look Ahead Behind and Around

The look-ahead is used to only match the string if something lies ahead or does not lie ahead of the current match. The trick is that the look-ahead does not consume parts of the string. A second match would also consider parts of string, where the previous look-ahead matched.

positive look-ahead


Do trucks like cars?

This will only match trucks because cars is not followed by a whitespace.

negative look-ahead


Do trucks like cars?

This will only match cars because it is not followed by a whitespace.

positive look-behind


Are cars scary?

This will only match the first car and not the car in s-car-y because a whitespace needs to be behind the match.

negative look-behind


Are cars scary?

This will match the second car in scary because an s is not a whitespace.



Are cars scary?

This will match both ,,car’’ . whitespace or s on the left and s or y on the right.


Do cars like carpets ?

Now the car in carpets will match.

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